The podcast, hosted by Tom Barry, delves into strength and conditioning training, focusing on the Conjugate Method. Tom Barry, who was mentored and chosen by Louie Simmons to lead Westside Barbell after his passing, brings unparalleled expertise and experience to each episode. The podcast will feature guests who are coaches, athletes, and specialists sharing their stories and insights on helping athletes increase strength and performance.
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Strongman at Westside, MMA Coaching, Onnit - Craig Bongelli - WSBB#74
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:
-Studio Sponsor: CLMS - https://clmslandscapes.com/
- The Butcher & Grocer: https://thebutcherandgrocer.com/
- Conjugate Tactical: https://conjugatetactical.com/
- The Conjugate Club: https://www.conjugateclub.com/
Craig Bongelli is a former professional strongman and is a highly experienced strength coach who has worked with athletes in multiple disciplines. Currently coaching @Onnitofficial in Austin, Craig is a valued member of Westside Alumni
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If you wish to support the podcast directly, here is the donation link:
00:00 Start
00:04 Craig's Start at Westside
13:33 Learning at Westside
20:41 Craig's journey after Westside
26:57 Misunderstandings of the Westside System
34:59 3 tips to implement conjugate
38:28 transitioning from athlete to coach
40:53 Learning from outside the Westside System
48:19 Working with athletes
58:35 Taking Athlete's losses personally
1:08:07 Craig's time at Jackson-Wink MMA
1:19:45 Professional MMA Training
1:23:41 Understanding Westside History
1:29:58 What is Onnit Gym?
1:31:54 Westside Memories
1:35:23 Parting Thoughts/Outro